Gearin’ Up Bicycles’ purpose is to create career development opportunities and teach essential workplace skills to teenagers from underserved communities, while encouraging cycling as a practical, healthy means of transportation. Gearin’ Up provides access to quality, affordable, used bicycles for those in need and hosts various community outreach programs throughout the year.


Building Business, Building Bikes, Creating Opportunity.

What We Do

Gearin’ Up Bicycles, a non-profit organization (501(c)(3)) based in Washington D.C., is a community used bicycle store empowering and employing young adults from underserved communities. In our future downtown retail space, we will sell quality, affordable, used bicycles in addition to basic bicycle tools and accessories. All sales representatives and mechanics will be teenagers from underserved communities. We will ensure a constant supply for our mechanic staff to tune-up or rebuild and prepare for sale via ongoing in-store collection, bike drives and fundraisers. In addition to providing the community with quality, affordable used bicycles, we give our staff members the skills they need to succeed in their future with Gearin’ Up and beyond.

Why We Do It

At Gearin’ Up Bicycles, we believe every young adult deserves a bright future and the opportunity to reach their potential. Under professional management in a safe environment, we provide young adults with valuable business and life skills including bicycle repair, customer service, and sales. In addition, Gearin’ Up Bicycles also emphasizes building self-confidence and empowering our staff to reach their goals- academically, professionally and personally.